What is ASP?
ASP Parma is a non-profit company under public law (non-economic public body), with legal personality, with statutory, managerial, patrimonial, accounting and financial autonomy. It is a multiservice company that provides services aimed at the elderly population, particularly concerning non self-sufficient elderly and adults with pathologies similar to geriatric ones, disabled people with psychophysical disorders, and adults in conditions of social fragility, according to the needs indicated in local planning defined by the “Piani di Zona”. In particular, ASP offers residential, semi-residential and home-based services to the aforementioned citizens, according to the methods and forms defined by the shareholders’ meeting.
The company inspires and directs its activity to respect the purposes and principles indicated in “Legge Quadro n. 328/2000”, in “Legge Regionale dell’Emilia Romagna n. 2/2003”, particularly regarding:
- Respect for the dignity of the person, for the diversity of opinions and for the religious beliefs;
- Adeguacy, flexibility and personalization of interventions, in compliance with the options for guests and their families;
- Attention to carrying out one’s business according to criteria of efficacy, efficiency, affordability and impartiality, while maintaining the high quality of the services rendered.
The reception facilities operate to guarantee guests, in full respect of dignity, autonomy and personal privacy, a high level of protective assistance, to prevent further loss of autonomy, to mantain and recover, if it is possible, the psycho-physical, emotional and relational skills of the guests. The company works with the collaboration of local institutions in order to guarantee responses as adeguate as possible to the needs of the elderly and disabled population of the city.
What are our values?
- Centrality of the person
- Flexibility and effectiveness
- Efficiency and economy
- Fairness and trasparency
- Information and communication
- Partecipation
What we do in our facilities?
The Company ensures, through direct management or by entrusting the management to third parties, the following offering of services:
- Home Residence for non self-sufficient elderly people (which includes the types of Protected Home / Healthcare Residence - R.S.A.);
- Day Center for the Elderly;
- Accommodation with Service;
- Community Housing;
- Collective space.
The Home Residence for the Elderly is a residential socio-health facility intended to accommodate non self-sufficient elderly people and adults with morbid forms comparable to medium and high grade geriatric ones, who do not require hospital or exclusively health care services.
The Home Residence for the Elderly with High Assistance Value is a residential socio-health facility that hosts non self-sufficient elderly people with high health needs and related to high assistance needs or with behavioral disorders.
The Day Center is a semi-residential service intended for non self-sufficient elderly people and adults with morbid forms comparable to geriatric ones, with different degrees of non self-sufficiency.
The Accommodation with Service welcomes elderly and non self-sufficient adults due to morbid conditions comparable to geriatric ones who, due to social and welfare problems, are no longer able to live in their own home.
The Housing Community is intended for the reception of elderly and non self-sufficient adults due to morbid forms comparable to geriatric ones, which require a community life and mutual solidarity.